Good Garden Photography - Book 1 of the 4 part e-book series: The PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop.
Awarded the Gold as Best Book Overall by Garden Writers Association for overall excellence in writing, photography, and design for garden book published in 2014. Also available as lessons with comments to readers in The Garden Photography Workshop section of Living Books Individual lessons available as iBooks.
Think Like A Camera - Book 2 of the 4 part PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop e-books. Individual lessons available as iBooks.
Think Like a Gardener - Book 3 of the 4 part PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop e-books. Individual lessons available as iBooks.
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Inspired by The American Rose Society and eight rose books, this comprehensive guide to photographing roses covers techniques mastered over 30 years of shooting the queen flower of the plant kingdom.
Softcover printed book available on our Blurb Store $29.95. Please note: this is a separate checkout page.
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Camera and Computer - Book 4 of the 4 part PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshops. Follow lessons being developed within Living Books