Lessons in the PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop
Cropping a Magnolia Branch
Careful cropping a photograph yields strong composition
Lessons in the PhotoBotanic Garden Photography Workshop
Careful cropping a photograph yields strong composition
In photography workshops the first tip is always: you have to be in the right place at the right time. Any camera will do. You [...]
It is now winter and the Aloe arborescens are blooming. Aloe arborescens candelabra aloe winter flowering succulent in San Francisco Botanical Garden In [...]
As the sun approaches its lowest arc of the year I start to bend the rules of not taking pictures in bright light. Back light [...]
Some garden photography tips are timeless, some are a matter of knowing what to see, and others use the magic of the digital age.
"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." - Ansel Adams. Whenever I look for photos, I [...]
Says Mary Oliver: "Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. [...]
A recent garden photography workshop at Denver Botanic Garden became a classic lesson on finding photos. By “finding photos” I ask students to use the [...]
I suspect that anyone who loves wildflowers heard about the super bloom in California this year. After five years of drought and dry winters, most [...]
Whenever I am on a commercial flower shoot I use a gray card to help me render the flower color correctly. It is a very [...]