Plants Illustrated
The fine art of garden photography. Celebrate plants and reveal their special features. Study the flowers, leaves, seeds, bark, and branches to make botanic illustrations and prints for walls and decor.
June 27, 2016
Plants are not art. So began a provocative Facebook post by Benjamin Vogt this past June 17. I did not have time to jump into [...]
November 12, 2015
From the ebook: The PhotoBotanic Guide to Photographing Roses, Chapter One: Working in the Garden Looking for photos is one of the great joys of [...]
June 14, 2015
I have added another California native shrub to the extraction series, Toyon – Heteromeles arbutifolia. Extractions are photobotanic illustrations that are inspired by classic botanic illustrations [...]
December 12, 2014
It is such a relief, a release really, when I can stop my crazy schedule and create something new. Too much of what I seem [...]
April 3, 2014
So, so many reasons to celebrate this manzanita on this rainy day. Mostly the rain itself. We have had so little this winter that every [...]
March 7, 2014
I am finding great satisfaction exploring these botanic illustrations, that I call PhotoBotanic illustrations. Not only do my eyes see these two dimensional views more [...]
October 15, 2013
It took four months to grow this picture; a single second in the garden to “see” it; and 8 hours of computer work to clean [...]