Unlike most garden photos, macro shots can be shot in the bright light of a sunny day. Indeed, to get good depth of field, bright light is a great help.
To soften the harsh light and deep shadows that come with sunny days I use a portable scrim held between the sun and subject as recently illustrated in a post about photographing Humboldt Lilies.
Now I am starting work on a new ebook, Photographing Roses, the first of a series of PhotoBotanic Guides to photographing specific plant groups. A recent lecture to The American Rose Society received such positive review I realized a guide would be useful to the many rosarians who are also photographers.
Many ARS members take their photography seriously, but are often limited to taking pictures during the bright days of summer. This simple before and after shot of the rose ‘Golden Celebration’ drew lots of ohhhs and ahhhs.
Before and After Slider
A simple technique goes a long way to improving flower photography. Look for lots more tips in the book, to be released December 1.
As a rose artist who paints from photographs this sounds like an invaluable resource.
Please put me on this list to be notified when the book is available.
Thanks Michelle – I will add you to the mailing list.