Cropping a Magnolia Branch
Careful cropping a photograph yields strong composition
Careful cropping a photograph yields strong composition
No garden has ever thrilled me more than the O’Byrne garden. Carex flagellifera – Weeping Brown Sedge in pot on pedestal with whimsical chair [...]
I often think of a photo composition as a combination of shapes linked together, like jigsaw puzzle pieces within the rectangle of the camera view [...]
For photographers working with fall foliage, the underlying structure of tree trunks and branches can provide subtle ways to hold photographs together. […]
There is something about prairies that makes them particularly hard to photograph. By definition they are vast and flat. There is the land; there is [...]
I suspect that anyone who loves wildflowers heard about the super bloom in California this year. After five years of drought and dry winters, most [...]
I always use a tripod for my professional work. Not only does a good tripod allow a rock steady camera for sharp photos and good [...]
Photographing Rose Bouquets is excerpted from the forthcoming PhotoBotanic Guide to Photographing Roses. Discounts on the preorder page. Rose bouquet with English roses 'L.D.Braithwaite' [...]
One of the basic techniques that I use in my workshops when teaching composition is about Space and Shape, chapter 5 of Think Like A [...]
The Rule of Thirds almost always comes up in composition workshops. It is a “rule” that a pleasant balance comes when organizing a composition into [...]