The Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment (SHRE) gives sizable grants that foster the introduction of new and improved plant materials for California gardens and landscapes.
The current funding cycle and request for proposals is open until April 16. Spread the word.
Every year SHRE gives out a much as $75K in grants to individual researchers and institutions that are working to add plants to the gardening palette. While the grants are specifically for California research, the emphasis is on climate adapted plants that will benefit gardeners in many summer-dry climates, leading to more sustainable practices.
Link to current Call for Proposals.
There are lots and lots of plants that ought to be in horticulture. From distinctive selections of California native plants, to plants from other summer-dry regions of the world, or even research on classics like roses, SHRE wants to encourage more introductions.
Photo from recent SHRE research report on a new Mimulus:
Researchers photo for Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment
I have my own favorites that ought to be available.
Micromyrtus ciliata, prostrate form (Fringed Heath-myrtle) University of California Santa Cruz Botanic Garden
Tip of the iceberg. Spread the word.
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